martes, 8 de marzo de 2011


Hola chicos, vamos a comenzar a leer una historia muy sencillita en inglés .Se titula " El jardín del gigante ". Luego contestaréis a unas preguntas sobre la misma . Ya sabéis , el primero que conteste bien , lo haga en su cuaderno y  me enseñe las respuestas en clase , tendrá como premio una pegatina.
  ¡ Ánimo chicos , a leer y contestad rápido ! . Usad el diccionario cuando tengáis dificultad con alguna palabra .

A long time ago , a giant lived in a castle . The castle had a big garden . There were lots of beautiful trees and flowers in the garden .
Some children lived near the castle .They liked the Giant's garden , but the Giant did not like people .
' You can't play here! ' It's my garden ! he shouted . The Giant was selfish.
One day , the Giant went to visit his brother . 'The Giant's going to be away for a long time ', said the children . 'Now we can play in his garden.' They were very happy.
Every day they went to the beautiful garden and played . They climbed the trees . They swam in the river . They ran on the grass . They chased butterflies.

                                                                            ( To be continued )


a) One day , the Giant went to visit his brother.

b) Now the children can play in the garden.

c) A long time ago , a giant lived in a castle with a big garden.

d) Children liked the garden , but the Giant did not like the children.

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