jueves, 16 de junio de 2011


Hello boys and girls ,
 I guess that you go to the beach , so  here you have a story about  beach and surf , I hope that you like it.
CLICK O N THIS LINK  and read the story.


miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011


I love this song . It's amazing. The singer is Roberta Flack. The first time I heard this song I was twelve or thirteen years old. Before and now I still like it.
I hope that you also  like it.
Me encanta esta canción y quiero compartirla con vosotros ." The lyric " la letra habla de una persona que al escuchar a un cantante cantando una canción se identifica con la historia que el cantante cuenta y hace que sus sentimientos salgan y le hagan revivir cosas del pasado.
Click on this link :    

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


Hi children!
At last holidays,  after almost four moths of classes we have a break . I hope that you have a lot of fun and rest !
See you soon !
Do you like this song ? listen OVER THE RAINBOW by Judy Garland .

martes, 5 de abril de 2011


                  If you want to smile with Mr. Bean and the guard ,
                   look  at this link :

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


Click here :

THE GIANT'S GARDEN ( fourth part )

But the Spring did not want to come. The Spring said , " The Giant is too selfish . I like children . I'm not going to go to a sad and empty garden ."
So the Snow , the Wind and the Rain played in the garden . The sun did not shine . Sometimes it was very windy . Sometimes it snowed . Sometimes it rained . It  was always cold and grey .
" Is the Spring never going to come ? " asked the sad , cold Giant.
Then one day he saw a little bird . " The bird is singing in my garden ! " he said . " Hooray ! The trees and flowers are growing ! " He clapped his hands happily . He looked again . " The children have made a hole in the wall ," the Giant said . " They've come back to my garden , and the sun has come with them! "
The Giant was not angry . He was delighted. The Giant ran into the garden. He wanted to hug the children , but the children were afraid . They run away and it became cold again.
" Don't run away " , said the Giant . I'm sorry . I was selfish . Please come and play in my garden ."

Circle the corret word
a) The Spring did not want to come to an selfish / empty / cold garden.
b) The Giant's garden was green / grey / blue.
c) He wanted to listen / kiss / hug the children.

What did the Giant see one day ?............................................................
What did the children make in the wall ?..................................................


viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


¿ Te gustan las canciones ? aprende esta. Es muy conocida . Seguro que te suena .
Haz clic en el enlace.
¿ Do you like songs ? Learn this song. Is well known . Sure sounds like you.
Click on this link .

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


¿ Te gustan las sopas de letras ? Aquí va una . Aprenderás vocabulario relacionado con la Pascua anglosajona. Premio para el que me busque en el diccionario el significado de las palabras y las anote en su cuaderno.¡ Buena suerte !
¿ Do you like the puzzle ? . Here you are . You learn Easter's vocabulary . Prize for which I seek the meaning of these words and write them in the notebook.
Good luck !



Me encanta la primavera y creo que a vosotros también.Todo renace , crecen las flores , el sol brilla más , los días son más largos y la temperatura fabulosa.
Para animar el blog de forma primaveral , aquí tenéis un nuevo enlace.
¡ Espero que os guste !   http://www.apples4theteacher.com/java/concentration-games/spring/
I love spring ! and I think you do too. Everything is reborn , grow flowers , the sun shines more, the days are longer and the temperature is fabulous.To encourage the blog for spring , click on this link.


Enhorabuena a mis alumnos que han contestado las distintas actividades del blog ( Rocio, María , Amin, Jesús , Mª Isabel , María Elena , Vero, Nerea , Alejandro ,etc ) . Me alegro mucho de que seáis los ganadores de las pegatinas.
¡Espero que sigáis tan entusiastas como hasta ahora. Os esperan nuevas sorpresas !

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011


Gracias a todos por seguir el blog , por hacer comentarios , por realizar las actividades que os propongo y sobre todo ,  me alegro mucho de que os guste el blog.
 Thank you so much!
Hoy quiero que veáis un video en el que aparece un animal muy especial. Os animo a que me contestéis estas preguntas , las escribáis en el cuaderno y dibujéis dicho animal.
¡Animaos , os esperan premios y pegatinas!
Ahí van :
1º/ What animal is it ?
2º/ Where does this animal live ?
3º/ Can this animal swim ?
4º/ Can this animal fly ?
5º/ Has this animal got fur ?
5º/ Has this animal got four legs ?
6º/ Has it got a tail ?
Haz clic en este enlace para ver este animal misterioso


viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011


Mirad este enlace y adivinad de que animales se habla

come on!

VAMOS CHICOS , estoy esperando las respuestas de la tercera parte de la lectura "El jardín del gigante". Estoy deseando repartir muchas pegatinas a los que contestéis las preguntas en las libretas. Animaos y seréis los primeros el próximo lunes.
PINCHAD en el enlace que aparece debajo de la foto "AROUND TOWN the changing of the guard" veréis a la guardia real inglesa desfilando.
Espero que os guste.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Hola chicos , ¿ qué tal si aprendemos el nombre de varios animales ?
Consulta este enlace . ¡¡ Espero que te guste !!


THE GIANT'S GARDEN ( Third part )

After seven years , the Giant came back to his castle. He saw children in his garden . He was very angry .
Get out of here ! It´s my garden ! he shouted .You can play here. This garden is MINE !. I´m going to build a brick wall , he said . He build a wall round the garden.
The children were very sad . Where can we play ? they said . Sometimes they played in the street ,but it was hard and rough . The Giant 's garden was better than the street ,' they said.
The Giant sat in his castle . It´s nice and quiet now' , he thought . 'It´s winter , but soon the spring will come.
It will be warm and sunny . The flowers will grow . My garden will be beautiful again '.

Write the missing words:
a) The Giant ..............................children in his garden.
b) The children ..........................very sad.
c) The Giant...............................in his castle.
d) The flowers will ....................
Write the opposite of :
a) The children were very sad : The children were very ................
b) He was very angry : He was very .............................
c) Get out of here : ..........................here
d) I´m going to build a brick wall : I´m going to ...................... a brick wall.
e) It was hard and rough : It was ................. and ............................
f)It´s nice and quiet now : It´s nice and  .............................. now.
g) My garden will be beautiful again : My garden will be ................................ again. 

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

THE GIANT'S GARDEN ( second part )

Hola a todos, os dije esta mañana en clase que continuaría con la historia de " El jardín del gigante "
Aquí la tenéis:

The children liked the garden in all season of the year.
In spring the flowers and leaves grew.
In summer the children roller on the green grass.
In autumn the leaves were orange and red. They fell from the trees and the children played with then.
In winter the children played in the snow .They made snowmen.
Different children came to the garden every year.

Bueno chicos , ahora quiero que contestéis a una pregunta muy sencilla . Seguro que mañana reparto montones de pegatinas. Escribidme las respuestas en la libreta.

What are the seasons ?
Find five words about nature


Aquí tenéis un juego muy divertido de animales  


martes, 8 de marzo de 2011


Hola chicos, vamos a comenzar a leer una historia muy sencillita en inglés .Se titula " El jardín del gigante ". Luego contestaréis a unas preguntas sobre la misma . Ya sabéis , el primero que conteste bien , lo haga en su cuaderno y  me enseñe las respuestas en clase , tendrá como premio una pegatina.
  ¡ Ánimo chicos , a leer y contestad rápido ! . Usad el diccionario cuando tengáis dificultad con alguna palabra .

A long time ago , a giant lived in a castle . The castle had a big garden . There were lots of beautiful trees and flowers in the garden .
Some children lived near the castle .They liked the Giant's garden , but the Giant did not like people .
' You can't play here! ' It's my garden ! he shouted . The Giant was selfish.
One day , the Giant went to visit his brother . 'The Giant's going to be away for a long time ', said the children . 'Now we can play in his garden.' They were very happy.
Every day they went to the beautiful garden and played . They climbed the trees . They swam in the river . They ran on the grass . They chased butterflies.

                                                                            ( To be continued )


a) One day , the Giant went to visit his brother.

b) Now the children can play in the garden.

c) A long time ago , a giant lived in a castle with a big garden.

d) Children liked the garden , but the Giant did not like the children.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


Hola chicos , terminó el carnaval y debo decir que estabais todos guapísimos.Lo hemos pasado muy bien y el Colegio estaba muy bonito y muy animado.
Tengo que dar la enhorabuena a las alumnas Isabel , María , Mar y Rocío de 4ºA que bailaron estupendamente.

    ¡  Hasta mañana chicos  !

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Hello children , do you like the calendar ? I think that is very funny! You can see a man with long hair , short hair , curly hair , red hair , punky hair , dark hair or fair hair . And you can consult the day of the week  and the day of the month of course. This is the most important thing .

See you tomorrow! Remember :THE CARNIVAL!

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Hola chicos , espero que comencéis pronto a visitar el blog. Aquí os pongo dos adivinanzas ( riddles ) .
Espero  que me digáis a través de vuestros comentarios cuál es la solución de cada una de las adivinanzas.
Os daré una pista , están relacionadas con la unidad 4 de 4º  Daily life.

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Para todos mis alumnos album fotográfico de Londres

Para que podáis ver los lugares más emblemáticos y famosos de Londres , aquí tenéis unas cuantas fotos . Espero que os gusten y las comentemos en clase.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Hello children , here is our new blog . I hope that you enjoy and learn a lot of english