lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

THE GIANT'S GARDEN ( fourth part )

But the Spring did not want to come. The Spring said , " The Giant is too selfish . I like children . I'm not going to go to a sad and empty garden ."
So the Snow , the Wind and the Rain played in the garden . The sun did not shine . Sometimes it was very windy . Sometimes it snowed . Sometimes it rained . It  was always cold and grey .
" Is the Spring never going to come ? " asked the sad , cold Giant.
Then one day he saw a little bird . " The bird is singing in my garden ! " he said . " Hooray ! The trees and flowers are growing ! " He clapped his hands happily . He looked again . " The children have made a hole in the wall ," the Giant said . " They've come back to my garden , and the sun has come with them! "
The Giant was not angry . He was delighted. The Giant ran into the garden. He wanted to hug the children , but the children were afraid . They run away and it became cold again.
" Don't run away " , said the Giant . I'm sorry . I was selfish . Please come and play in my garden ."

Circle the corret word
a) The Spring did not want to come to an selfish / empty / cold garden.
b) The Giant's garden was green / grey / blue.
c) He wanted to listen / kiss / hug the children.

What did the Giant see one day ?............................................................
What did the children make in the wall ?..................................................


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